
 i had my first Belle de jour planner last 2010 when honey bought it as a surprise for me from his manila trip, he knew my taste.. anything colorfull and girly is so " Me"... when he gave me the belle de jour planner.. right then and there.. i got hooked and became a certified bella. last 2011, i ordered my planner online and had it shipped here in cebu.. after 5 days... voila!!1 got my second bdj planner.. last december.. i had honey purchase my 3rd bdj from powerbooks and not only did he buy me the planner.. he also added some cute post-its and a book mark for my book collections.. i really find it very prodcutive everytime i update and scribble on my planner. the quotes on each page gives me the inspiration to start my day right and sets my mood to write my day-to-day activities.. as part of my goals this year.. i'll update my planner everyday and follow religiously whatever schedules  i have jotted there.. and lastly...to write legibly for future reference.. ;)

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    Say it again..

    Inside me lies the courage to live the way I imagined


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    Hi, I'm Kim and this is my blog.   I'm a strong believer that "Everything happens for a reason, at the right place and at the right time-in God's perfect time" but it should also come hand in hand with perseverance, hard work and most importantly..Faith..   
     I'm a daughter, a sister, a mother and a dedicated girlfriend. I'm a career woman, an artist in secret and a frustrated blogger