Honey was craving for his 123 Tuna recipe last night. It's the one he said he used to cook when he was still in manila. 123 because according to him, the ingredients are so simple plus even a kid like Yanna can cook it. So today we woke up early and cooked his original dish-if we can even call it a dish :P. So here are the ingredients : Century Tuna Flakes in oil, cheese, sky flakes.. simple huh??  
and not till he started the step 123 in cooking the dish 1. add tuna in a low heated pan 2. add the cheese 3. add the sky flakes... indeed a 123 dish but can't deny it.. tastes really good.. thanks to chef eho for this healthy breakfast..

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    Hi, I'm Kim and this is my blog.   I'm a strong believer that "Everything happens for a reason, at the right place and at the right time-in God's perfect time" but it should also come hand in hand with perseverance, hard work and most importantly..Faith..   
     I'm a daughter, a sister, a mother and a dedicated girlfriend. I'm a career woman, an artist in secret and a frustrated blogger